For 35 years New York Memory Center (founded as Park Slope Geriatric Day Center) has been offering a safe home away from home for individuals living with memory loss and their caregivers. On June 13, 2018, we celebrated our 35th Anniversary with more than 100 people in attendance at the beautiful Liberty Warehouse location on New York harbor in Red Hook. Music was provided by Ismail Butera & Velvet Jubilee.
Those honored during the Gala program for their contributions to the Center over the years were:
Marty Markowitz
Supported the Center and programs for older residents during his years as Brooklyn Borough President
Judith Grimaldi, Esq., CELA, CSW
Elder law attorney leading workshops for caregivers; Longtime NYMC Board member
Mary Brennan
NYMC Board member and Board President
Allan F. Kramer II
NYMC Board member and Board President
Corcoran Cares
Corcoran Real Estate program pooling donations from staff members to NYMC and other organizations
Grimaldi & Yeung LLP
Elder-law attorneys and generous supporter of NYMC
Gary Glazner
Alzheimer’s Poetry Project founder and director; provides creative poetry programs to NYMC, hosts the Memory Arts Cafe, and leads intergenerational programs at the Center

More photos here
Videos by Elliott Christ are posted on YouTube:
35th Anniversary poem with honorees and led by poet Gary Glazner
Acceptance speech by former Borough President Marty Markowitz, introduced by NYMC Board President Joe Giamboi
Josephine Brown and Marianne Nicolosi presenting award to longtime board member Allan Kramer