At the New York Memory Center, we offer two different daytime programs designed to meet the unique needs of all our clients - the Lotus Club, and Memory Life Services. We invite you to watch this short film, "Don't Ask What I Had For Breakfast," which highlights how programs like those at the New York Memory Center offer many benefits for both people affected by memory loss as well as their caregivers.
Programs are currently open Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 3:00pm.
Our staff speak English and Spanish.
Check out our detailed program calendar: FEBRUARY 2025
Our Lotus Club program was created by our former Executive Director, Josephine Brown.
It was Brooklyn's very first program dedicated to engaging and connecting people affected
by memory loss at an early stage. The program received special national recognition from
the Brookdale Foundation in 2007 as an exemplary model for programs supporting this
If you have been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease or another kind of dementia, you are not alone! The Lotus Club is the place for you. We invite you to join us for a range of culturally, intellectually, and creatively engaging programs. At the same time, you will have a chance to meet and connect with others and cultivate new connections and friendships. If you feel isolated, lonely, bored, depressed, or anxious, coming to our Center can offer you great relief from those difficult feelings. Truly, Lotus Club membership is one that no one expects but all are grateful to have!
Features of our Lotus Club program:
A diverse range of social, physical, cognitive, and creative programming
Opportunities to join classes offered by local museums and schools, including the Jewish Museum, the Intrepid Museum, Brooklyn Music School, and more
Activities in the nearby community
Peer support from other members who share and relate to your experience
Access to our technology center
Help from our trained staff around everyday needs you may have
Alzheimer's disease and other kinds of dementia can be unpredictable, and needs can evolve
and emerge over time. However, the need for socialization, connection, belonging, and
purpose does not change. Memory Life Services is a traditional and comprehensive social-
model day program oriented towards our clients who may need more support to be success-
ful in activities. It is designed for people affected by memory loss at a more moderate to later
stage. Many members enjoy years of friendship, engagement, and community, preventing
premature moves to residential care and a faster progression of disability.
Memory Life Services is a safe haven for those in need and a lifeline for caregivers, offering peace of mind and valuable time to focus on work, family, and self-care.
Features of Memory Life Services include:
A wide range of structured and supported activities, including low-intensity exercises, brain games, singing and dance, and creative and artistic expression
Special events such as live music from our artists-in-residence
A safe and supervised setting
Opportunities to work with occupational therapy and speech therapy students from local universities
Hands-on support from our trained staff around important daily needs, such as walking safely, having meals, and using the restroom
Reminders about taking prescribed medication
All programs also include a nutritious hot lunch as well as healthy snacks throughout the day. Our meals are catered through Russo's on the Bay.
All programs include round-trip transportation to and from most Brooklyn neighborhoods in the morning and afternoon. For more details about our transportation program, click here.
Support from our Family Resource Program social worker. Learn more about this vital program by clicking here.
All programs at the New York Memory Center are fee-based. There are several options to cover the cost of our services, including paying privately with a sliding scale fee, working with a long-term care insurance plan, and short-term scholarships and grants from other community organizations. Additionally, we work with several Medicaid managed long term care plans (MLTC's).
First-time members are welcome to attend one trial day at no cost. We regret that we cannot offer transportation on this day.
Please call us at 718.499.7701 or email for more details about program cost, or to set up an intake interview appointment.